Chancel Renovations for St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Charlotte, North Carolina.

 In August the Cram and Ferguson Architects design team began work on the Schematic Design for the renovation of the Sanctuary at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Charlotte. Ethan and Matthew visited in late August and interviewed the church leadership and met with the Building Committee to ascertain the pros and cons of the current design. Over the next three months a new design for the chancel will be developed that solves existing problems and brings the Chancel design more in line with current liturgical needs.

 St. Peters was first built in 1857 and rebuilt in 1890 and added to multiple times over the years since then. The architect was William Brocklesby of Hartford, Connecticut. Brocklesby, following his graduation in 1869 from Trinity College in Hartford, apprenticed in the office of Richard Upjohn designer of Trinity Wall Street in New York City.

 St. Peter’s houses some extraordinary leaded glass including a Tiffany and a set of four Meyer of Munich style windows of very high quality. The beautiful nave is finished in dark wood decorated with quatrefoils and other symbols of religious significance. Among other goals, the renovations will provide wheelchair access to the Chancel which is currently not accessible, improve the lighting of the Chancel area and reorganize the space to additional seating and improved circulation in the Chancel.


Trinity Church, Owasso, OK

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St. John’s University Parish and Student Center - Stillwater OK

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